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Transforming Sennheiser’s Sales Strategy for Ambeo Soundbar in a Competitive Market

Transforming Sennheiser's Sales Strategy for Ambeo Soundbar in a Competitive Market

Sennheiser campaign Insights:

Sennheiser, a renowned brand in the electronics industry, faced the formidable task of successfully selling its premium Ambeo soundbar, priced at INR 1.5 lac, in an exceptionally competitive market. The challenge lay in distinguishing the product in a crowded landscape and convincing consumers to invest in its superior quality.

Our team embarked on a journey to empower Sennheiser with an Online Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) sales approach. Traditionally, the brand had relied heavily on e-commerce platforms for distribution, incurring substantial fees of up to 15% of overall sales. By assisting Sennheiser in establishing its own sales channel, we not only reduced these expenses but also opened up a new revenue stream for the brand.

To effectively market the Ambeo soundbar, we devised a strategy that focused on targeting the top 10% of High Net Worth Individuals (HNIs) based on household income. Our approach was to reach out directly to the decision-makers within these households, showcasing the unique features of the product through a lead form campaign.

Our approach began with a video ad campaign, exposing the HNI audience to the Ambeo soundbar. These video ads highlighted its exceptional features and encouraged viewers to engage with the product by filling out a lead form. This initial exposure was carried out at a high frequency of 4-5 times to maximize impact.

Once the audience had been primed with the product’s features, we implemented a retargeting strategy. This involved presenting them with video ads and creative banners, emphasizing special price offers. This second phase of engagement aimed to give them the opportunity to seize this premium product at an attractive price point.

Our strategic approach yielded impressive results:

– Over 4,000 leads generated, indicating a strong interest in the Ambeo soundbar.
– A Click-Through Rate (CTR) of 1.5%, demonstrating the effectiveness of our targeting and engagement strategies.

Expansion of E-Tail Sales:
This transformational journey has not only enabled Sennheiser to successfully sell the Ambeo soundbar but has also paved the way for substantial growth in their E-Tail sales. From relying on e-commerce players and incurring significant fees, Sennheiser has now established its own sales channel. This shift has resulted in notable savings on overall sales expenses and a significant boost in revenue.

In conclusion, our strategic approach empowered Sennheiser to navigate the challenges of a highly competitive market, establish a successful D2C sales channel, and achieve remarkable results in promoting the Ambeo soundbar. The success story of Sennheiser’s E-Tail sales expansion is a testament to our commitment to delivering effective solutions in a dynamic and competitive landscape.